S.D. Vynnychuk, Dr Sc. (Eng.),
Pukhov Institute for Problems of Modelling in Energy Engineering, NAS of Ukraine,
15 General Naumov St, Kyiv, 03164, Ukraine, e-mailThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Èlektron. model. 2018, 40(2):03-16


An algorithm RP is proposed for calculating the flow distribution in distributive networks with graph G of the dominant tree structure, in which the number of cycles h does not exceed the root from the number of its nodes V, with linear dependences of the potential change on the current. The algorithm is based on reducing the graph to a tree by breaking the branches-chords and determining the value of the potential at their midpoint. The algorithm provides for the calculation of two currents for fixed potentials, the computational complexity of which is T (E) =O (E), where E is the number of branches of the graph. To determine the unknown potentials at the midpoints h of the branches-chords, a system of linear equations of the order h is formed, the coefficients and right-hand parts of which are formed from the results of h additional calculations of currents for
different variants of fixed values of the potentials. The computational complexity of determining the unknown potentials and currents is of the order O (hE* + E + h3), where E* is the number of branches of the equivalent graph G*, i.e., the subgraph G obtained on the basis of the folding of the hanging nodes. For h of magnitude no higher than O (V3/2), and the amount of necessary memory is proportional to the number of nodes in the graph. For h will be the order of magnitude no higher than O (V3/2), and the amount of necessary memory is proportional to the number of nodes in the graph. A method for analyzing the structure of the graph of the distribution system is proposed, which allows identifying the branches of the graph, the removal of which leads to the decomposition of the graph G* into components whereby the system of linear equations of order h can be divided into subsystems.


distribution network, flow distribution, equivalence, convolution, brancheschords.


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