I.V. Kotsiuba, post-graduate
Pukhov Institute for Modeling in Energy Engineering of NAS of Ukraine
(15, General Naumov St., Kyiv, 03164, Ukraine
Дано определение инсайдерской угрозы и рассмотрены ее воздействия. Представлен обзор методов контроля и способов устранения этих угроз.
insider threat, integrity, BYOD, vulnerability.
1. Zegzhda P.D. and Rudina Å.À. (2008), Osnovy informatsionnoy bezopasnosti [Fundamentals of information security], Politechnicheskiy Institut, S. Petersburg, Russia.
2. Kravtsov, H., Kotsiuba, I. and Prytulyuk, I. (2015), “The cybersecurity modeling in critical infrastructures”, Elektronnoe modelirovanie, no. 4, pp 75-84.
3. Skiba, V.Y. and Kurbatov, V.A. (2008), Rukovodstvo po zaschite ot vnutrennikh ugroz informatsionnoi bezopasnosti [Inside information threat prevention manual], Piter, S. Petersburg, Russia.
4. Stolfo, S.J., Bellovin, S.M. and Hershkop, S. (2008), Insider attack and cyber security beyond the hacker, California, Springer, USA.
KOTSIUBA Ihor Vasylyovych, post-graduate student of the Pukhov Institute for Modeling in Energy Engineering of NAS of Ukraine; graduated from the State University of Information-Communication Technologies in 2010. Field of research: posterior methods for analysis of threats of information security.