Vector-deductive Memory-based Transactions for Fault-as-address Simulation

W. Gharibi 1, PhD, Prof., A. Hahanova 2, Cand. T. Sc, Ass. Prof.,
V. Hahanov 2, D.Sc., Prof., S. Chumachenko 2, D.Sc., Prof.,
E. Litvinova 2, D.Sc., Prof., I. Hahanov 2

1 The University of Missouri-Kansas City, MO 64110 USA,
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2 Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics,
  Ukraine, 61166, Kharkiv, Nauka Avenue, 14,
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Èlektron. model. 2023, 45(1):03-26


The main idea is to create logic-free vector computing, using only read-write transactions on address memory. The strategic goal is to create a deterministic vector-quantum computing using photons for read-write transactions on stable subatomic memory elements. The main task is to implement new vector computing models and methods based on primitive read-write transactions in vector flexible interpretive fault modeling and simulation technology, where data is used as addresses for processing the data itself. The essence of vector computing is read-write transactions on vector data structures in address memory. Vector computing is a computational process based on elementary read-write transactions over cells of binary vectors that are stored in address memory and form a functionality where the input data to be processed is the addresses of these cells. The advantages of a vector universal model for a compact description of ordered processes, phenomena, functions, and structures are defined for the purpose of their parallel analysis. Analytical expressions of logic, which require algorithmically complex calculators, are replaced by output state vectors of elements and digital circuits, focused on the parallelism of register logical procedures on regular data structures. A vector-deductive method for formula synthesis for propagating input lists (data) of faults is proposed, which has a quadratic computational complexity of register operations. A new matrix of deductive vectors has been synthesized, which is characterized by the following properties: compactness, parallel data processing based on a single read-write transaction in memory, elimination of traditional logic from fault simulation procedures, full automation of its synthesis process, and focus on technological solving all problems of technical diagnosis. In the work, the transition to vector logic in the organization of computing and the elimination of traditional logic presented in the form of tables and analytical expressions were carried out. The use of read-write transactions on memory in the absence of a command system focuses the new vector-logic computing towards deterministic quantum architectures based on stable subatomic memory particles.


vector computing, vector form of logic, matrix of deductive vectors, table of synthesis of deductive vectors, analytical form of structures, deductive-vector method of fault analysis, digital circuit, vector model of defects, functions and structures, sequencer of vector deductive fault simulation.


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GHARIBI Wajeb, received his PhD from the Institute of Mathematics of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus in 1990, and is currently a professor in the Department of Computer Science at the University of Missouri in Kansas City, USA. His research interests include mathe-matical cybernetics, cybersecurity, machine learning, quantum computing and optimization.

HAHANOVA Anna, Cand. Sc., associate professor, graduated from Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics (KNURE) in 2003. In 2009 she was awarded the degree of Candidate of Technical Sciences. Currently, she is an associate professor at the Design Automation Department of KNURE. Research interests are quantum and cyber-social computing, design and test of digital systems.

HAHANOV Vladimir, DSc, professor. He graduated from the Kharkov Institute of Radio Electronics in 1978. The degree of Doctor of Technical Sciences was awarded in 1996. Currently, he is a professor at the Design Automation Department of KNURE. Research interests are computer systems and networks, quantum, cyber-physical, cyber-social computing.

CHUMACHENKO Svetlana, DSc, professor. She graduated from Kharkiv State University in 1991. Doctor of Technical Sciences degree is awarded in 2008. Currently, she is the Head of the Design Automation Department of KNURE. Research interests are discrete mathematics, quantum, cyber-physical, cyber-social computing, new technologies in education.

LITVINOVA Eugenia, DSc, professor. She graduated from the Kharkov Institute of Radio Electronics in 1985. The degree of Doctor of Technical Sciences was awarded in 2010. Currently, she is a professor at the Design Automation Department of KNURE. Research interests are quantum computing, testing and diagnosis of digital systems.

HAHANOV Ivan is PhD student of the Design Automation Department of KNURE. He gra-duated from Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics in 2019. Research interests are deep learning, data analysis, big data, quantum, cyber-physical, cyber-social computing, design and test of digital systems.

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