Y. Vasyliuk, Y. Zinchenko, S. Gnatiuk, I. Sofiienko, D. Petrova

Èlektron. model. 2021, 43(1):81-96


The paper considers the main materials for electromagnetic radiation screens and methods of their manufacturing. Shielding properties and electrophysical characteristics of the following are analyzed: building materials based on shungite rocks are analyzed; nanostructured carbon-containing screens of electromagnetic radiation; shielding materials based on the synthesis of composite organometallic fibers; application of knitting and knitting technology for the manufacturing of screens and absorbers of electromagnetic radiation. The properties of materials obtained on the basis of synthetic and natural fibers containing nanoscale inclusions of metals and alloys are given. Prospects and possibilities of technical protection of information with the use of new materials and structures for shielding electromagnetic radiation of information devices and electronic products, suppression of the negative effects of the electromagnetic field are discussed.


electromagnetic radiation, technical protection of information, shielding materials.


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