A. A. Vladimirsky, I. A. Vladimirsky

Èlektron. model. 2022, 44(3):87-100


The review collects and analyzes the latest publications related to mobile acoustic corrosion testing of underground pipelines without their decommissioning. The review is caused by the need to conduct inexpensive and mass corrosion monitoring due to the significant wear of underground pipelines. Publications are devoted to passive and active remote acoustic methods. Attention is focused on the advantages and limitations of the physical phenomena used, on the features of diagnostic technologies and on practical application. The review may be useful to researchers in the field of non-destructive testing, developers of diagnostic equipment and technologists.


corrosion, pipeline, diagnostics, acoustics, ultrasound.


  1. Chowdhury, M.N. and Mahabubul, A. (2010), Theoretical analysis of acoustic emission signal propagation in fluid-filled pipes, Theses and dissertations.
  2. Baran, I., Lyasota, I. and Skrok, K. (2016), “Acoustic emission testing of underground pipelines of crude oil of fuel storage depots”, Czech Society for Nondestructive Testing 32nd European Conference on Acoustic Emission Testing, Prague, Czech Republic, September 07-09,  2016, available at:
  3. Yuyama, S. and Nishida, T. (2003), “Acoustic emission evaluation of corrosion damages in buried pipes of refinery”, Acoustic Emission, Vol. 21, р. 187-196, available at: https://
  4. PN-EN 14584:2013-07 “Non-destructive testing – Acoustic Emission Testing – Examination of metallic pressure equipment during proof testing – Planar location of AE sources”, available at:
  5. European Standard EN 13554 (2011), “Non-destructive testing - Acoustic emission - General principles”, ICS 19.100.
  6. Sharma, V. (2013), Vibro-Acoustic Monitoring of Pipeline Leakage and Corrosion, Unpublished master’s thesis, University of Calgary, available at: 971. DOI:10.11575/PRISM/28641.
  7. Ukpai, J. (2014), Erosion-Corrosion Characterisation for Pipeline Materials Using Combined Acoustic Emission and Electrochemical Monitoring, Submitted in accordance with the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy The University of Leeds School of Mechanical Engineering, available at: pdf/29030201.pdf.
  8. Karaduman, D., Bircan, D.A. and Çetin, A. (2017), “Non-Destructive examination of underground pressure vessels using acoustic emission (AE) techniques”, European Mechanical Science, Vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 1-8.
  9. Troitsky, V.A., Karmanov, M.N., Gorbik, V.M. and Lukashev, N.V. (2016), “Low-fre­quency ultrasonic control of technological pipelines by directed waves”, Tekhnicheskaya diagnostika i nerazrushayushchiy kontrol, Vol. 1, pp. 7-12.
  10. Defektoskopiya XXI veka. Osnovnyye napravleniya rabot IES im. Ye.O. Patona po razvitiyu tekhnologiy nerazrushayushchego kontrolya svarnykh soyedineniy [Defectoscopy of the XXI century. The main areas of Paton IEW work on the development of technologies for non-destructive testing of welded joints] (2018), IES im. Ye.O. Patona NAN Ukrainy, Kyiv, Ukraine.
  11. Cawley, P. (2002), “Рractical long range guided wave inspection - applications to pipes and rail”, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Imperial College, London SW7 2BX, UK, NDE2002 predict. assure. improve. National Seminar of ISNT Chennai, December 5-7, 2002, available at: 787&rep=rep1&type=pdf.
  12. Simonetti, F., Cawley, and Lowe, M.J.S. (2004), “Long Range Inspection of Lossy Bilayers”, AIP Conference Proceedings, Vol. 700, no. 222, available at:
  13. Demma, A., Cawley, P. and Lowe, M.J.S. (2003), “The reflection of the fundamental torsional mode from cracks and notches in pipes”, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, Vol. 114, pp. 611-625. Режим доступу:
  14. Demma, A., Alleyne, D. and Pavlakovic, B. (2005), “Testing of Buried Pipelines Using Guided Waves”, 3rd MENDT - Middle East Nondestructive Testing Conference & Exhibition, November 27-30, 2005, Bahrain, Manama, available at: mendt2005/ pdf/33.pdf
  15. Chilukuri, A., Raja, N. and Balasubramaniam, K. (2021), “In-situ pitting corrosion detection using high-frequency T(0,1) guided wave mode in gas distribution tubes at operating temperatures”, Journal of Structural Integrity and Maintenance, Vol. 6, p 247-256.
  16. Gresil M., Poohsai A. and Chandarana N. (2017), “Guided Wave Propagation and Dama­ge Detection in Composite Pipes Using Piezoelectric Sensors”, Procedia Engineering, Vol. 188, 148-155.
  17. Fletcher, S., Lowe, M.J.S., Ratassepp M. and Brett, C.(2012), “Detection of Axial Cracks in Pipe Using Focused Guided Waves”, Journal of Nondestructive Evaluation, 31, pp. 56-64.
  18. Wavemaker-g4: Guided Ultrasonics Ltd (GUL) Products Overview, available at:
  19. Bondarenko, I. (2009), “Technological features of flaw detection of extended pipelines by low-frequency  guided  waves”,  Technical diagnostics and non-destructive testing, Vol. 2, pp. 42-49.
  20. Liu, Z., Hu, Y., Fan, J., He, C. and Wu, B. (2015), Patent CN104198594A “Multiple-main- frequency combined torsional-mode electromagnetic acoustic array sensor”, priorities CN201410258285A, classification IPC G01N29/34; application date June 11, 2014, publication date December 10, 2014.
  21. Guided wave method, available at: technical-diagnosis/methods-of-survey/metod-napravlennyix-voln/.
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  23. Vladimirsky, A.A., Vladimirsky, I.A., Krivoruchko, I.P. and Savchuk, N.P. (2017), “Development of a modernized low-frequency diagnostics of pipelines state system RASTR-1M”, Modelyuvannya ta informatsiyni tekhnolohiyi, Vol. 78, pp. 40-45.

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