G.A. Kravtsov, V.V.Levitin,
V.I. Koshel‘, V.V. Nikitchenko, A.N. Primushko

Èlektron. model. 2019, 41(5):35-58


The article provides an overview of the fundamental foundations for building strong artificial intelligence.The article provides an overview of the fundamental foundations for building strong artificial intelligence.The validity of the hypotheses put proved by the method of field experiments isshown. It is argued that in order to construct a mathematical theory of strong artificial intelligence(AI) it is necessary to go over to the von Neumann-Bernays-Godel system of axioms and then thepossibility of using semantic structures represented by computer ontologies as algebraic structuresopens up. For the correct use of ontologies in artificial intelligence systems, it is necessarythat ontologies along the division planes are metric spaces.


artificial intelligence, axiom system, human brain, semantics, measure of difference,artificial intelligence, axiom system, human brain, semantics, measure of difference,internal model of the world, adaptability.


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