D.V. Efanov, V.V. Sapozhnikov, Vl.V. Sapozhnikov

Èlektron. model. 2018, 41(2):39-62


The authors analyzed the feature of detection ability in data vectors by modified weight-bits andThe authors analyzed the feature of detection ability in data vectors by modified weight-bits andweight-transition sum codes, which were constructed using a sequence of weights that form a naturalseries of numbers. The article presents the conditions for constructing a family of weightedcodes with the detection of any single error in data vectors of a given length m. The key characteristicsof weighted sum code are determined, which determine the conditions for their use in buildingreliable logic devices. A classification of weighted sum codes with weight coefficients from anatural series of numbers has been developed.


testable systems, sum code, Berger code, weighted codes with summation, codetestable systems, sum code, Berger code, weighted codes with summation, codeproperties, data vector, undetectable error.


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