H.B. Guliyev, N.R. Rahmanov

Èlektron. model. 2018, 38(5):101-112


Impact of random fluctuations of system load power on probabilistic distribution of voltages in nodal points and flows of active and reactive power in branches are reported in the paper. Modeling of probabilistic power flow under conditions of stochastic load changes is performed for different fluctuation levels and increased load level up to peak load condition. Stochastic variation of load impact on probabilistic distribution of regime parameters were studied on the example of the Azerbaijan Power System network. The results of comparative analysis of probabilistic power flow for load fluctuation data are presented in a form of discrete samples of active power obtained by the Monte Carlo analytical method and measuring parameters live values in the studied network with distributed generation and renewable sources. An algorithm of probability estimation of voltage and power flows in the network with distributed generation for the wind-power and solar electric power stations has been offered.


power network, reactive capacity, probability load flow, distribution of density, loading fluctuations, distribution of voltage.


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