S.S. Shevchenko, A.S. Shevchenko

Èlektron. model. 2021, 43(1):03-16


Groove seals, in addition to their main purpose, which is to limit the crossflows between cavities with different pressures, can be used as rotor supports. An example of the use of groove seals as supports are shaftless pumps. A model of a shaftless pump has been constructed, demonstrating its advantages, which are the absence of contacts between a rotating impeller and a stationary casing. The static and flow characteristics of the pump with seals-bearings has been built. An analysis of the dynamics of a shaftless cradle-mounted pump with a combined support-balancing and sealing unit was carried out, which showed that the pump has a sufficient margin of vibration reliability.


seals-bearings, shaftless pump, static computation, vibration characteristics.


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