V.V. Sapozhnikov,  Dr Sc. (Eng.), Vl.V. Sapozhnikov, Dr Sc. (Eng.),D. V. Efanov,  Cand. Sc. (Eng.),
Emperor Alexander State University of Communication Means of St.-Petersburg
9 Moskovsky Ave, St.-Petersburg, 190031, Russian Federation, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Èlektron. model. 2018, 40(2):43-70


A method for formation of a code with summation that effectively detects errors of small multiplicity is described. The method is based on weighting the transitions between the bits occupying neighboring positions in data vectors, the weight coefficients from the natural number of numbers, the subsequent calculation of the modified weight of the data vector, and also by applying a series of special permutations of the resulting weights between the data vectors. The check functions of the resulting «permutation» code are linear and are described only using the addition operation modulo two. The properties of error detection of various types andmultiplicities by new codes are analyzed, and a comparison with known codes revealing double errors is made. It is established that the new code detects any twofold errors in data vectors with data vector lengths m <10. It is shown that the permutation code has the advantage over any known codes detecting double errors,with data vectors lengthsm=8 andm= 9. Experimentswith benchmarks have allowed to confirm the theoretical results, aswell as to evaluate the effectiveness of the application of the new code in the concurrent error detection systems by the indicators of structural redundancy.


technical diagnostics of discrete systems, summation code, Berger code, Hamming code, modified weighted code, detection of double errors, structural redundancy.


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