B.M. Pleskach, V.D. Samoilov

Èlektron. model. 2021, 43(3):75-86


The article considers the topical issue of developing simulators for advanced training of specialists in energy efficiency management of industrial enterprises and utilities. The aim of the study is to develop the theoretical foundations of the use of computerized systems for training energy managers. The object of the study is the practical activities of the personnel of the enterprise, aimed at improving the energy efficiency of production systems for various purposes. The research method based on scenario modeling of energy manager actions and precedent modeling of equipment reactions to such actions. The modeling of energy manager actions based on the Deming cycle, and the modeling of reactions of production systems based on cases of quasi-stationary energy consumption of the technological system. The software platform of the proposed technology consists of a base of precedents for quasi-stationary energy consumption and software modules that reproduce the PDCA control cycle (Plen-Do-Check-Act). The technology allows to work out the actions of the energy manager aimed at planning energy saving measures and calculating the financial and economic results achieved during their implementation.


energy management, computer simulator, scenario-precedent technology.


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