S. Gnatiuk, L. Sakovych, U. Miroshnychenko

Èlektron. model. 2020, 42(5):120-129 


The features of maintenance of large-scale radio-electronic complexes (tens and hundreds of thousands of elements) consisting of separate subsystems are examined. It is proposed to increase the efficiency of maintenance of the state of large-scale radio-electronic complexes to establish the sequence of verification of subsystems taking into account their reliability, metrological reliability of the measuring instruments, the time of performing checks and troubleshooting, the probability of correct estimation of the result of measuring the parameter value by a specialist. To ensure the set value of the probability of estimation of the technical condition of the complex in the minimum time, the required number of checks of the parameters of the most important and least reliable subsystems is substantiated. An example of using the results is given and the procedure for their implementation is formalized. The practical implementation of the results allows to increase the efficiency of maintenance in real conditions of operation of radio-electronic complexes by streamlining the technology of work execution.


radio-electronic complexes, maintenance according to the condition, probabi­lity of preferred choice.


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