E.M.Farhadzadeh, A.Z.Muradaliyev, T.K.Rafiyeva, S.A.Abdullayeva

Èlektron. model. 2020, 42(1):13-24


The automated systems of methodical support (ASMS) the personnel of the enterprises of electro power systems (EPS) are a basis of an intellectual control system of an overall performance. And as necessity of transition to intellectual systems does not raise the doubts, the urgency of development ASMS is obvious.

Increase of an overall performance of enterprises EPS is connected with overcoming of some difficulties, basic of which are:

in due course a share of the capital equipment, devices and installations (objects) of enterprises EPS, which service life it is approximately equal and even exceeds settlement - increases. On many publications, it already for a long time has exceeded 50%. To replace them on new «not on a teeth» even to economically developed countries. Hence, alongside with instructions for the new equipment, which deliver factories manufacturers, the major problem of existing scientific research institutes of power is development of methodical recommendations on maintenance service and repair of the growing old equipment and first of all development ASMS;

data on an overall performance, statistical data about reliability include, profitability and safety and depend on the big number of versions of attributes. In other words, they, concern not to samples of general set, and to multivariate data. Application of statistical methods of the analysis samples from general set to multivariate data, in opinion of authors of these methods, leads to inadmissible risk of the erroneous decision. Bright examples of multivariate data are technical and economic parameters power units;

purpose of the statistical analysis of multivariate data is the opportunity of comparison and ranging of same objects EPS. The statistical analysis reduced to an estimation of an integrated parameter. Preliminary it is required to provide faultlessness and independence of data, their normalization and uniformity;

considering complexity and bulkiness of an objective quantitative estimation of an overall performance of enterprises EPS in manual, application of computer technologies becomes not desirable, but a necessary condition. ASMS assume participation in dialogue from the COMPUTER of the qualified employees. The organization of their training and preparation for work on ASMS become one of the primary goals of improvement of professional skill of the personnel.

In present clause the method and algorithm of maintenance of uniformity of the information on a technical condition of the equipment, providing a faultlessness of comparison of the same objects considered.


Fiducially, interrelation, technical and economic parameters, risk, criterion, mistakes, realizations, an integrated parameter.


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