I.A. Pilkevych, O.S. Boychenko, V.V. Loboda, R.I. Gladich

Èlektron. model. 2021, 43(1):17-27


The regulatory documents regulating issues of information protection in information and telecommunication systems have been analyzed. The purpose of scientific research is to assess the level knowledge of users the information and telecommunication system based on the results of their test tasks. To achieve it, methods modern test theory were applied and initial data were determined. It is proposed for assessment level knowledge of users information-telecommu­nication system using scale of test results. The limits the test results scale are defined, which depend on the number of qualitative measures level knowledge assessment. The mathematical dependence test complexity on the number of tasks different level complexity is shown. A mathematical model for assessing the level knowledge of users information and telecommunication system has been developed, which takes into account the quality of response to tasks different levels complexity. The adequacy of the developed mathematical model for three users was checked, according to the results test, it was established that a qualitative response to tasks of the highest level complexity provides a large quantitative assessment of the level knowledge. An example of determining the limits the test results scale for three qualitative indicators of the knowledge level users the information and telecommunication system is given.


internal intruder, model of intruder, information protection, mathematical model.


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