I.A. Pilkevich, O.S. Boychenko, I.V. Humeniuk

Èlektron. model. 2019, 41(5):71-84


The method of clustering the wireless information and communication network (ICN) to reduceThe method of clustering the wireless information and communication network (ICN) to reducethe time of information transfer with minimal energy consumption is proposed. The method is developedon the basis of known clustering algorithms, particularly algorithm geospatial placementof nodes in the network. The method includes the following steps: determining the set of clustercontrollers, the distribution of the ICN for many clusters and electing as cluster controller the devicethat has the lowest value of the objective function and the self-organization of the ICN. It isshown that the proposed method will allow to increase life time of network and reduce energycosts for the transfer of information between devices of a cluster area. Themethod to select the clustercontroller takes into account not only the energy characteristics and the location of devices, but alsothe bandwidth of the communication channel, which can provide appropriate device.


wireless network, energy efficient clustering, multicriteria clustering, network reconfiguration,wireless network, energy efficient clustering, multicriteria clustering, network reconfiguration,partial criteria.


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