The equal-length redundant code development for the self-checking combinational devices synthesis based on data on their structures

D.V. Efanov, D.Sc.

Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution
of Higher Education "Russian University of Transport"

Russian Federation, 127994, Moscow, st. Obraztsova, 9, building 9

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Èlektron. model. 2021, 44(1):43-52


The problem of organizing the automation and computer technology combinational devices control with the diagnostic tools synthesized using redundant coding is considered. In contrast to the known approaches, a method is proposed for generating a uniform separable code, considering the structural features of the original combination devices. This method makes it possible to use data about possible errors at the outputs of the circuit in the code under construction and take this into account when synthesizing the control circuit. When setting the problem, a fault model is determined, relative to which the code will be built with the detection of all (or, possibly, part) errors at the circuit outputs. In contrast to the known redundant codes used to organize the combinational device’s control, the proposed method of generating a code makes it possible to consider the individual features of their structures. Such an approach in the self-checking combinational devices organization with an unchangeable design expands the number of ways to construct them compared to the previously known duplication and use of circuit outputs groups controlled by codes with unique diagnostic properties.


the self-checking combinational device, equal-length redundant code, error detection at the combinational device’s outputs, code construction “under the circuit”, a self-che­cking device structural redundancy.


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