Electronic Modeling
VOL 36, NO 6 (2014)
Mathematical Modeling and Computation Methods
ARISTOV V.V. Integro-Algorithmic Method for Computation the Matrix Logarithm with Arbitrary Accuracy (end of the article) | 3-22 |
Informational Technologies
IEVDIN E.A. Technology of Integrating Mathematical Models into the Decision Support Systems in the Sphere of Environment Safety Based on the Distributied Wrapper Object | 23-42 |
Parallel Computations
SERGIYENKO A.M., SIMONENKO V.P. Optimization methods for synchronous dataflow graphs | 43-60 |
Application of Modelling Methods and Facilities
New Rules of Paper Presentation to the Journal «Electronic Modeling» | 119-122 | |
Author Index to Volume 36 (2014) | 123 |